Friday, February 8, 2008

Devotion to the Royal Family

Many countries are constitutional monarchies, where the members of the royal families don't have that much/or none political power and are more focussed on being patrons for different charity organizations, representing the country and so forth. The average Joe citizen of a country like that either enjoys the existence of the royal family as a historical asset, likes to be entertained by its scandals, hates it or is generally indifferent. Just look at United Kingdom - following the royalty is a whole movement :)
Now, what is amazing about Thailand is that people respect and honor their royal family (the King, Queen and the Kings late sister have been, until now, the most prominent figures when looking around) very much; now, that is not the unique part. What IS utmost astonishing is the sincerity about it. 
People wear yellow on Mondays to honor the birthday of the King (born on a Monday) and light blue on Fridays for the Queen. 
I think it is admirable that such a tradition, reenforced by people's respect, sincerity  and devotion, hasn't vaporized, lost its magic and still lives strongly in everyone. 

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