Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Bridge over Kwai

The first evening all we did was to look at the bridge over river Kwai, which is a part of the known Burma railway, also called the Death Railway (build during the WW2 by Japan using forced labor - Asian laborers and POW's). But, you all know how to use Google, if in need of more information :)
Anyway, the bridge is there and the Death Railway is still used for passenger trains until a place called Nam Tok (like 130 km all in all). The bridge is not, how can we put it, 'designed' for crossing, really - between the rails there is a "path" from steal plates, but that's pretty much it. Oh well, walking on the small wood planks on the outer sides of the rails was not something I felt very comfortable with. It was kinda freaky to cross it and the feeling that the bridge has all of a sudden become longer on the way back couldn't be avoided either :)

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