Friday, January 18, 2008


Well, how shall I start this? And should I in the first place? I have never had a blog of my own and I have never been the type to search the web to find any. I will also say Im not sure I understand what the fascination with blogging is all about - posting thoughts that, lets face the truth, not too many people care about anyway, spending time on editing, wondering if anybody is reading the stuff in the first place etc. - how much fun can that be, huh? Im all about reasoning, right - so the perfect explanation for me "joining the club" is - I'm not particularly impressed with me repeating myself all over and over again in e-mails to the people I care about. Keeping track of what has been written to whom is just way too complicated (with a high probability of errors, mind you!), therefore I have decided to do this instead - lets take the easy way out, shall we? :P

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